We are the world’s leading charitable research body dedicated to
rewriting the future of disability

In our hearts we are Rebels – fighting to rewrite the future for those who need it most
The way we work is unique. We have assembled an unprecedented coalition of world-class expertise gathered from some of the largest and most influential corporations as well as some of the top specialist firms on the planet, all donating their time and resources to work as one to achieve The Foundation’s hugely ambitious research goals. And we are carefully recruiting more. Together, we mean to change everything...
We use human-centred AI and cutting-edge hi-tech to transform Extreme Disability
"If the path of enhanced human is followed, then it will be possible for mankind and robots to remain on the same evolutionary branch, rather than humanity watch the robots split away. In this way, mankind will one day be able to replace its all-too-vulnerable bodies with more permanent mechanisms, and use the supercomputers as Intelligence Amplifiers."
The Robotics Revolution, Basil Blackwell, 1984
Our Story
It’s the fifth decade since those words were written. Here is our story.
The Foundation is no slave to convention
The Scott-Morgan Foundation is registered by the Charity Commission (1187386) with the official objective:
For the public benefit, the advancement of science, health and education, by carrying out, promoting and publishing research into the ethical use of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, robotics, and other high-technology systems to enhance the capabilities and wellbeing of those restricted by age, ill health, disability or other physical or mental disadvantage.

We aim for all our key findings to be made freely available to everyone
We shatter conventions about what it means to feel trapped in your own body
Welcome to the rebellion!

Welcome to the rebellion!
You can join us.
You can help us.
You too can make a difference.
Your Help

In the early 1980s our Founder wrote a robotics textbook with an outrageous claim

Tap below to hear from Peter 2.0

Tap below to hear from Peter 2.0